Happy Hanukkah and Our First Egg
This evening begins Hanukkah, candle 1, and guess what? Our newly raised chickens laid their first egg. How appropriate, a blue Hanukkah egg from the “Easter Egger” chicken breed. A multicultural egg for sure!
We have 6 chickens – 2 “Easter Eggers”, 2 Speckled Sussex, and 2 Bard Rocks that we raised from tiny chicks in July.
It’s hard to believe that just a few months ago these fat, sassy chickens looked like this:
We are also enjoying home-made jelly donuts for Hanukkah, called “Sufganiot,” home-made by Sarah, the Queen of Cupcakes.
Wishing you all a happy and healthy holiday season and a great new year! AND…since is the internet – here’s a picture of a cat. haha! Naomi, A.K.A. “kitTEN!” and “Future-cat.”
Best wishes, and here’s a reminder of spring.
– Michael