Tagged: publications


It’s nice to have some writer news after a while of not!  HAPPY DANCE! My paper, ‘Metre and Meaning in Jane Kenyon’s ‘Song’ ” has been accepted for publication in New Writing: The International Journal for the Practice and Theory of Creative Writing.

2 poems accepted!

Happy to announce two poems have been accepted for publication. “Cling,” (I really wanted to see this one picked up for a while) and “i had it all wrong.” “Cling” will be appearing on an online site I think is really wonderful, Postcard Poems and Prose Magazine, and “i had it...

when New Sound

A proud moment for me was when ice-bound sister got picked up by New Sound, as you can tell. 🙂  Poem below. 

“Mantua, 1606” – 2nd Place, Raynes Poetry Competition

“Mantua, 1606” Second Place, Raynes Poetry Competition judged by Joan Larken. Published in Jewish Currents, Spring 2015. “Mantua, 1606” 2nd Prize, 2014 Raynes Poetry Competition, Joan Larkin, Judge Jewish Currents, April 2014 His Grace, Duke Gonzaga, exempted Salomoni Rossi Hebreo, respected court musician and composer, from wearing the mandatory Jews’ Yellow Badge...

“Abandoned Barns”

Abandoned Barns by Michael Jackman This barn was newly raised, once. This patch of ground was hallowed by its arching ribs, aromas of the earth rose through the thatch of sweet straw quilted over new-made cribs. The hay-loft pulley, swaying in the sun, was an eternal lamp, the double-doors, an...