Tagged: readings

Listen to Some of My Poems on Soundcloud

Hearing a poem is often stronger and more enjoyable than reading one. I’ve placed audio files of me reading eight of my poems on Soundcloud. Enjoy these. Pick an opening line: “When spring began to breed mosquitos…” Listen (“DDT(Or, a psalm to dichloro-diphenyl tri-chloroethane)”‘ “Jim writes, ‘I feel like the designated...

Slideshow from KY Homefront Show

Here’s a slideshow of me reading my story “Belonging” on the Kentucky Homefront radio show taped 2 April 2017 in front of a live audience. It will be broadcast on WFPL, Louisville some time in 2017.        

enjoyed reading at the Tim Faulkner Gallery

Thanks to Selena McCracken and the IU Southeast English Club for arranging the Kentuckiana Poetry Festival reading last night at the Tim Faulkner Gallery, and also allowing me to play some guitar as well. I hear it will be broadcast on WXOX 97.1 FM Louisville. My poetry/music set: “Who’ll Stop...